
Autonomous Technology

Decent Essays

Current issues about implementing autonomous technology into the military arise when the R&D spending is looked at on a more in depth level. One issue that is becoming increasingly problematic is the shift in advanced development from military to commercial settings (Cummings). This means that drones and A.I systems for everyday life are being funded more than the military is. A lot of the focus for this everyday technology is put into the automotive field. In fact, R&D spending in the automotive industry is funded three times more than the aerospace and defense industry (Cummings). Self-driving cars are a huge focus for this technology because of rising consumer interest. Because of this, only a small portion of R&D funding goes into …show more content…

It could even imply how war could become too brutal or more efficient in its destructive nature. The inventor of the machine gun, Hiram Maxim, said that it would make war so wicked that it would not come to an end (Coker et al). This same idea was made by the Wright Brothers, the inventors of the plane, and Guglielmo Marconi, the inventor of the radio. War being “impossible” is still discussed, even today, when the topic of autonomous military technologies is brought to attention. Other problems also arise because of the laws and foundations set by different government organizations. They argue that machines can never replace human’s moral judgement. Even if the judgment of a situation is wrong, machines could never think about the morals and ethics of s situation. Machines are programmed to do specific tasks and will work toward the completion of that task. They will not stop to think about what could be wrong with the actions they are doing and the laws of the battlefield that would stop a normal human soldier to perform such actions. Even if there was a way to incorporate ethical and legal standards into weapon design and robots code “a machine, no matter how good, cannot completely replace the presence of a true moral agent in the form of a human being possessed of a conscience and the faculty of moral judgment” (Anderson and Waxman). Some view these automated technology developments as a crisis for the laws of war. This

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