
Avalon Tattoos

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Considering the Fox fashion News report there may be a number of possibilities as to people would actually like tattoos on their bodies or not. I am not very fond off tattoos and I am sure that if my Avalon or any other coworkers shows a tattoo to me, even though I will appreciate the other person on their face so that they do not feel bad, but deep in my heart I would really lose respect for the same person. I have seen some very weird kinds of tattoos and I feel real pity for those who ruin their skins for these useless tattoos. In my opinion tattoos are not a great way of conveying the message to the world, and in the professional field a person has to look at for himself so as to avoid any kind of conducts that would cause threat to their employment.
If my fellow office worker Avalon asks my opinion whether she should display her tattoo at work, I would instantly advise her not to show it to anyone at work. It is important for us to display professionalism at work and showing tattoos to others is the complete opposite. An angel tattoo on her upper arm, or any other tattoo anywhere else is not accepted in the professional field. I would give her the advice that she should avoid showing her tattoo is public. She must not show others that she …show more content…

At one side there is a person wearing a classy formal wear to a meeting whereas the other is the one wearing a tattoo on the neck. I am sure that the person with a decent formal wear and without any tattoos will make a better impression on the audience. In addition when a business looks to promote their employees they will definitely look at all the aspects and then decide whether the employee deserves it. A person showing tattoos will be more likely to suffer as compared to people who act and dress in a professional

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