
Ayn Rand Anthem Analysis

Decent Essays

Ayn Rand’s ideas of how the world should work is a form of modern government called objectivism. Objectivism is the belief that moral truths exist independently of human knowledge. People that believe in objectivism believe that the greatest moral goal is to gain happiness. People that believe this are very hard workers and strive to be the best they can be. This is a very exciting way to live your life because you believe that you can always be more successful and happier. Ayn Rand’s idea of objectivism is her philosophy for life. Objectivism says that you have to be completely free to be life-promoting and they must be able to act on thoughts. Ayn Rand wrote a book by the name Anthem that explains her views in a way that you can understand objectivism without even knowing what it is yet. The book explains how a man longs to be free even though he’s government controls his life and forces him to be a street sweeper. His name is Equality 7-2521 just like many of his fellow men. The people in this world do not have a specific identity and do not say “I” but instead “We”. He starts to question the authority the government has over him when he meets a girl that he calls the “Golden One.” It was love at first sight for both of them and soon …show more content…

Having common sense is the only knowledge man needs, which means that it is a form of survival for us. Equality uses his knowledge to be a free individual man, to gain a specific identity. Later on in the book Equality gave himself the name Prometheus and saw himself as a god like figure because he brought knowledge to people. If somebody becomes a terrible person it is no one’s fault but his own because he did not use his knowledge to be a good person, therefore he isn’t one. It is no one’s fault but his own if he does not succeed in life; he will not flourish if he does not pursue his

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