
Ayrton Sennian Hero

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What comes of a cross between the epitome of a classical hero and a modern day, philanthropist hero? Ayrton Senna was just that. Outside motorsport, his name may not ring as many bells, but within this field he was a legend and the stories that surround his name are comparable to those of ancient heroes. His victories may not have been against monsters and demonic spawn of satan, but they were incredible nonetheless within “the fiery crucible of motorsport” as it has been called. Ayrton Senna captures a classical hero persona in a modern era, which is different among the typical expectation of a modern hero. His presence commanded the attention of everyone around and the stories about him were told among Formula One followers all over the globe. …show more content…

Beowulf was known far and wide for his battles and the legends that were talked about in mead halls. Words of Beowulf were spoken, "..have I ever seen,/ Out of all the men on earth, one greater/ Than has come with you; no commoner carries/ Such weapons, unless his appearance, and his beauty,/ Are both lies”(Beowulf). Ayrton Senna is talked about in the same way in reminiscence about his legend in motorsport along with the intellectual legacy he left behind. In the automotive and motorsports fields, he is one of the most well-known names. Between 1988 and 1991, he won three of the four Formula One Championships and won a record 19 consecutive races. These records are yet to be broken nearly three decades after he set them and this is why he has always been a commanding name. On top of his on-track legends, he was a commanding presence off the track as well. When in a room he had a personality that captured the attention of people around him and relaxed everyone. This is a lot like Beowulf, who had a strong, commanding stance and raised spirits of his men. Senna’s life ended tragically in 1994, but much like a classic hero, his death was seen in celebration of his life, and his funeral was one of the largest funerals in history.(Donaldson) In many ways, Ayrton Senna was a lot like Beowulf, with the huge legends surrounding his name and the presence that followed him everywhere he went, and was a classical hero in a modern

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