
Aztec Civilization DBQ

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For centuries we have been taught about different ancient civilizations. Civilizations that individually give us genuine reasons and facts which we remember them by. Whether it'd be for their customs or agriculture each civilization has contributed to our technology in the way we grow our food and the way we build. Today I would like to remember the Aztecs. They have been famous for their agriculture, their cultivation of land and creating artificial islands in the lakes. They’ve built famous temples and pyramids and developed a form of hieroglyphic writing, a complex calendar system. This civilization is considered to be one of the most advanced civilizations, who have contributed to our society. Out of all the reasons we have to remember …show more content…

Document 1 illustrates the major Aztec conquests. From 1427 through 1520 the Aztecs acquired a tremendous amount of land. As document one states "Aztec warriors had the reputation of being fierce fighters, and most territories shown on the map were acquired by force." This made the Aztecs a very powerful civilization. Military power was located in the city of Tenochtitlan . This military power was what helped to gain new territory. “Though the Aztecs did acquire a lot of land, the Aztec emperor didn't rule every city directly.” Each city that was conquered would be allowed to keep their local governments, but each would be forced to pay tribute. Document 11 shows us the symbols of the provinces that were required to pay tribute. A bill would be presented to each province stating what was required of them. The tribute consisted of 200 little jars of honey, 400 gourd bowls, one bin of maize, one shield of rich feathers, 400 large mantas (cloaks), 400 cloaks rich designs, 5 strings of greenstone beads, 20 warrior costumes, 20 shields of ordinary feathers, 100 little copper axes and 400 women's skirts. If these items were not delivered the province could expect military …show more content…

Where the Aztecs more like us or unlike us? When we actually stop and think about Aztec family life and our family life today we see many differences as well as similarities. Document 12 Shows us a photograph of a Zapotec ball court. It states that "playing courts have been found at the ruins of many Mesoamerican cultures including the Aztec and the Maya." The Aztec ball game was a very important Aztec game. This game was played with a large rubber ball. It was considered a very difficult game. The game was not just important for entertainment, but also politics and religion. Another game was Patolli. This was a game of chance which was played on a board. In this game the players would bet metals, stones, plants, and at times even themselves. Like the Aztecs, today we also enjoy many different types of board games and playing courts. We are able to see some of the world's greatest athletes competing. It is easy to think that the Aztecs had great athletes in their era as well. Documents 13 states that " Home life for the Aztec family was both well disciplined and warm. Parents had a close relationship with children and brought them up according to a strict regime." Like today, as the children grew up parents would give the child certain household tasks. As the child got older he was taught and given a bigger responsibility. "Parents were expected to counsel and guide them into honorable careers."

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