
Babies And Nonverbal Communication

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As a parent, having a baby is the greatest blessing in life, but the most rewarding thing for a parent is watching your child grow. That all begins in a baby’s first year of life when it is able to communicate with its parents. If the parents learn how their baby communicates, it will make communicating with their newborn a lot easier. There are many ways that babies develop through nonverbal and verbal communication. Although babies cannot talk, the first year of a baby’s life is crucial for its development in communicating.
Babies begin to show distinct signs of communication in their first six months. Some verbal ways infants communicate are “making sounds to themselves, like cooing, gurgling and babbling, making these noises is also a way …show more content…

Crying for a few minutes may even help your baby nod off to sleep.” Don't be alarmed if you can't figure out the reason your baby is crying and it seems like you've tried everything to get your baby to stop because chances are, your baby is just crying to cry. It may seem that babies communicate a large amount verbally without being able to talk yet, but there are still some major forms of nonverbal communication that you baby will use in its first six months. To begin with, the nonverbal communication will start at about six weeks which is called pre speech. “This is when they open their mouth wide, move their tongue in what seems like a very deliberate way and often making arm and hand movements at the same time” ( When a baby does these things they are sometimes trying to communicate to you or they are just exploring their own body and learning what they are capable of doing. Throughout your baby’s next six months you can expect it to turn towards a sound when they hear it and also be startled by loud noises ( When a baby is startled or noises are too loud for them they will probably begin to cry, this is a healthy …show more content…

Some things to look for in your newborn baby if it might have a development disorder is if they are not startled by loud noises or respond to noises in general, if they do not make eye contact when spoken to, do not smile back at someone smiling at them, or do not watch a speaker’s face with interest. Some other things to keep an eye on that could make you concerned about your baby’s communication development as it get older is if your baby doesn't point to things they are interested in, try to gain your attention by making noises or through eye contact, facial expressions or reaching ( If your baby shows any of these signs of not communicating effectively, you should talk to your child’s doctor and they will provide you with further instructions on what to do. It is important to keep in mind that “all babies develop at different rates. If your baby doesn’t do something at the same age as other babies, it doesn’t necessarily mean you need to be worried” ( However, you should still keep a close eye on your baby's way of communicating so you are able to tell if anything is

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