
Background Checks : Why Take Them Away?

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Background checks: Why take them away? Have you ever wondered why the United States of America insists on making sure everyone has a background check when they pursue any type of job? In fact, everyone has or has had questions about whether or not a background check should be allowed when applying for a job, or if but in all respects it is the best way for the government to know what is going on in this country. The main point of background checks is to make sure everyone is safe while they are at work and no one has to be afraid of going to work, so to make that possible the government made a system to ensure that everyone would be one hundred percent safe at work. Background checks are specifically needed for workers in America because …show more content…

Another survey in 2012 by the Society for Human Resources Management stated that sixty-three percent of employers conduct criminal background checks on all job candidates, and approximately ninety percent conduct background checks on select candidates (Csere). According to multiple commentators, more employers are conducting more criminal background checks than in the past years (Csere). Employers’ voluntary use of criminal background checks has continued to rise and will continue to rise over the time period of multiple years (Csere). This entire system became constructed on September 11, 2001 when terrorist attacked two planes and flew them into the Twin Towers, in New York City (Csere). Since that attack the government has really developed a strict system for background checks. Background checks can help your chances of securing a job. Private companies conduct millions of background checks per year because millions of people apply for jobs every year (Csere). State law requires criminal history checks of corrections, department personnel applying for positions that will involve direct contact with inmates (Csere). All law enforcement personnel who go through the Police Officer Standards and Training program must submit to such checks by the State Police’s Bureau of Identification if they do not go through those checks then they cannot go into law enforcement (Csere). The state law also requires the Department of Public Health

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