
Background On Hiv / Aids

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Background on HIV/AIDS Access to healthcare has been a factor for patients livening with HIV/AIDS in promoting and sustaining health. The advances of HIV/AIDS over the years have been a step in the direction of understanding of how best to deliver primary care while at the same time give the accessibility of new medication regimens. People living with HIV/AIDS are now living longer lives through medical advancements through medication therapy and by practicing a healthy lifestyle. A first step in ensuring that patients are actively involved in their care is to create systems that include mechanisms for coordination and communication of care. Furthermore, efforts starting with the community on receiving educational information about the …show more content…

The interventions performed by the researchers yielded a wide range of behavioral, cognitive and affective strategies. Data was collected from July 2005 until the end of 2007. Earlier diagnosis and entry into care has been associated with improved outcomes (Horberg, M., Hurley, L., Towner, W., Gambatese, R., Klein, D., Antoniskis, D., & Johnson, M., 2011). Performance measures were collected through electronic medical records which allowed healthcare workers to monitor their patient’s medications alongside their lab results. By implementing the use of electronic base tools the study illustrated an increase on patients becoming viral load suppressed. Learning the basics of quality management, are the first steps to reinforce adherence in care. Research for a cure remains a scientific quest. The only thing that can be done presently is to continue treating the virus and reduce the number of new diagnose cases. The HIV epidemic is different in various localities with regards to race/ethnicity, risk behavior, and other factors (Horberg, 2011). Retention in care is the medical goal until the virus is eliminated. Community engagement is an important factor in order to develop a relationship by partnering with their healthcare providers and being attentive to the medical needs. Healthcare workers will continue facing challenges engaging the public in seeking medical attention and understanding the cultures. Creating a team who can prioritize, reinforce

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