
Bacteria in Recycling Wastewater

Decent Essays

Bacteria are very important in the recycling of wastewater. These facultative bacteria have the capability to thrive in or out of the presence of oxygen. They also help breakdown organic materials that could be harmful to the environment. However too much bacteria in a wastewater plants could create a big problem for wildlife and the ecosystem. This research will test the proliferation of bacteria before and after heavy rain to see if the rainwater run-off from farms that use fertilizers, and fish farms farm will create a spike in the reproduction of bacteria. Water samples will be taken from the Flint Creek Watershed in 100 mL bottles before and after heavy rain and transported on ice to the laboratory. The sites will be areas with heavy agricultural use and rural land use. This area was chosen cause it has a total drainage area of 455m2 and over 1600 km of intermittent streams. The predominant land use is agriculture/pasture and the geology consists of mostly Tuscumbian Limestone. It originates in Cullman, AL and flows into 17 segments of impounded waters of wheeler Reservoir on the Tennessee River. One of the segments, Flint Creek, which stretches for 6 km, which will be used for this study because of its designated uses for fish and wildlife, public water supply, and limited warm water fishery. Introduction

Wastewater treatment facilities are a very important asset of many urban and rural areas. The facilities process water contaminated with different types of

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