
Badland Lyrics Analysis

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Something that makes Badlands such a beautiful work of art are the lyrics, which are simple and beautiful enough to make them relatable to nearly anyone who listens to them. Many people have criticized Halsey’s lyrics for being “generic,” however, they are creative and carefully written, but may not appeal to everyone. One of her best lyrics is a fan favorite, “you were red, and you liked me because I was blue. But you touched me and suddenly I was a lilac sky, and you decided purple just wasn’t for you.” This lyric is from the song Colors, which was written about Halsey’s brief relationship with Matty Healy from the band The 1975. It describes a relationship in which one person changes another so much that they find they no longer are attracted …show more content…

With your face all made up, living on a screen, low on self-esteem so you run on gasoline,” from her song Gasoline. This song describes how Halsey feels like she is an outsider to society and she feels that people are confused by her as she grows more and more popular. The lyric, which is from the chorus, is her describing what she sees other people as. She is saying that there’s pressure to conform and not be true to whom one really is, and if people don’t have much confidence they will follow popular trends to fit in and be accepted in society. Even though Halsey is very unique and different, even she still feels the pressure due to fame, and she feels that she’s “living on a screen.” Finally, what is possibly the best lyric from Badlands is from the song Control: “I’m bigger than my body; I’m colder than this home. I’m meaner than my demons; I’m bigger than these bones.” Throughout the song, Halsey describes her struggles with having bipolar disorder since she was a teenager. She has been very open about having the disorder, even going so far as to discuss it with several interviewers. This lyric is her assuring herself that she’s stronger than everything that’s trying to hold her

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