
Bamberg-Ehrhardt High School Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Being a student at Bamberg-Ehrhardt High School is a fortunate thing academically and athletically. Bamberg is an overall great school but some of the rules and regulations need adjusting. Student id’s, dress codes and cell phone policies are the main changes that should be applied to this school. Every year, students receive their own personal id upon enrollment. Each student’s id classifies them into a certain grade level: freshmen have blue, sophomores have green, juniors with orange and seniors, red. This id must be worn from 7 a.m. to 3:05 p.m., if it is not worn or lost, it is necessary to get another one which cost $6 per id. They are hard to keep up with; I lose my id almost every month. I personally feel that are id’s are unneeded because of the small population in the school. Everyone is known so why do we have to wear ids? The dress code is highly strict this year and I have asked the principal why this is so, he replied, “We are trying to prepare you students for jobs in the future”. I understand his explanation and concerns but why would we dress incorrectly for the occupations that we need in the future. According to these dress codes, students are not allowed to wear athletic slides, flip flops, head scarves, hair styles must be neat, and clothing must be clean. These are some examples I feel that discriminates against some students …show more content…

Being caught with a cellular device (on or off) will be confiscated and kept in a file cabinet in the principal’s office, waiting for your parents with $25 to pick it up. All cell phones will taken including phones discovered during searches of reasonable suspicion. The agenda states that under no circumstances should cell phones ever be used inside the school building. Cell phones should be enabled in our school for many reasons. It can teach our student responsibilities, to use for emergencies, for help and as learning aids and to keep us students

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