
Why We Should Have Dress Codes In Schools

Decent Essays

“School officials have a responsibility to provide a safe, secure, and productive learning environment.” Therefore, schools have dress codes because the safety of students is very important. A teacher’s number one priority is their student’s safety and to have a good learning environment. All students should have the same right to their education. Is the clothing the students wear distracting others from learning? It is distracting to others, but that is not the only reason why schools have dress codes. Schools also have dress codes because it helps prevent students from being bullied based on their clothing, especially if they wear something offensive or inappropriate. It also helps them prepare for professional environments as adults in the workplace.
The clothing that some students are wearing is very distracting and affecting the learning of other students. Which is why in some dress codes, schools prohibit students from wearing shorts and dresses if not for a certain length requirement. When students are wearing inappropriate clothing it can get some students unfocused on the lesson. Others who disagree might say “Dress codes aren't fair to the students especially those that use their clothing as a way to express …show more content…

By having the dress code, bullying can be prevented. Some students are insecure about themselves and get bullied because they are trying to impress someone. with their clothing. These young adults need some kind of dress code to be enforced so they won’t get sexually harassed either. Unfortunately, sexual harassment and bullying are a big issue in today's society. Others might say the students should be able to dress as they wish because it is their right. It is their right to wear what they please, but these rules need to be enforced to ensure these students are

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