
Rhetorical Analysis Obama Speech

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Language of a Public Figure The opening of the speech is very clear and direct, setting a serious essence for the audience to appreciate the detailed fashion in which Obama will go on to explain the effects of Osama Bin Laden, America’s actions, the assassination, and the important distinguishing of Islam and Pakistan from Al Qaeda. Obama is very profound for his use of emotive language; in this speech, he exemplifies this immediately. His use of antitheses opens with, “a bright September day was darkened”. He then goes on to take the spectators back to the tragic day of 9/11. He says, “Hijacked planes cutting through a cloudless September sky, the Twin Towers collapsing to the ground, black smoke billowing up from The Pentagon”. These …show more content…

He raises his voice with hints of anger when explaining how Al Qaeda was “committed to killing innocents”. This raises the antagonism of the viewing population as well, setting the mood just right for them to accept the justifying the war. Barrack Obama later adds that they, “removed the Taliban Government” which seemingly suggests the Americans did what they did nicely, as opposed to killing and torturing many of them, which they probably did. Obama then attempts to give good reason for his point, again, by adding that the Taliban Government had given “safe haven and support” to Al Qaeda. This justification convinces the American population that what their army was doing necessary as well as peaceful. When elucidating the assassination, Obama is sure to assert his role in affairs. This is initially made obvious when he switches from his habitual collective pronouns to speaking in first person. He opens with, “I determined” and then “at my direction”. This intentional change has the purpose of soaking up all the credit, indenting his mark in the history of the USA. He goes on to explain how it was “the most significant achievement to date in our nation’s effort to defeat Al-Qaeda.” This imperative description will turn out to be very significant for the re-election in 2012. The use of the words, “bring him to justice” and “took custody of his body” also make the

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