
Barack Obama Research Paper

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Born on August 6, 1961, Barack Hussein Obama II is the 44th President of the United States of America. He is the son of Barack Obama, Sr. and Ann Dunham. Barack Obama, Sr. was not involved in his son’s life and as a result of his lack of support, Barack Obama II felt detached from his father. However, despite his father’s absence from his life, Barack Obama succeeded in life and established a legacy for the future generations. As a child, Barack Obama was exposed to different cultures due to the fact that his family was multicultural. When Barack was nine years of age, his younger sister, Maya Soetoro Ng, was born in Jakarta, Indonesia. In the early years of Barack Obama’s life, he lived in Jakarta, Indonesia with his stepfather and mother. However, Barack’s mother decided that Indonesia was not a suitable place for her son and he was sent back to Hawaii to live with his grandparents When Barack Obama was a youth, he attended a predominately white, private school. While he attended the private school, Barack Obama became aware of the racism and discrimination that many African Americans experienced. Despite being a minority at his school, Barack Obama rose to the top and excelled in his academics and athletics. After his high school graduation, Barack Obama continued his education at Occidental …show more content…

This accomplishment was significant for Obama due to the fact that he was the first African American to hold the position as editor. After Barack Obama graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School in 1991, he moved back to Chicago to pursue a career as an attorney. However, he was required to complete an internship before he could practice law. During his summer internship at Sidley Austin LLP, Barack Obama was mentored by Michelle Robinson. Within a short period of time, Barack became interested in Michelle. Thus, in the fall of 1992, Barack Obama married Michelle

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