
Bart J. Van Dissel And Joshua D. Margolis 's Martha Mccaskey

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Bart J. Van Dissel and Joshua D. Margolis’s Martha McCaskey, is a case study about Martha McCaskey, a young, inexperienced graduate in her first full-time job facing an ethical dilemma. McCaskey has to make decisions between promotion from successfully completing a project but conflicting her ethics and professional integrity and alienation from losing 20% of the division’s total revenue and future businesses due to failure of completing the project. To further analyze the case and derives ideal solution, we should understand that McCaskey is not the only major stakeholders influenced by the event. Other major stakeholders and their problems have to be identified. By understanding goals, concerns a problems of each stakeholder, we could then conduct analyses of alternative solutions in order to derive recommended solutions for McCaskey.

McCaskey, our major stakeholder, is working her way up in the company. She finds her first assignment in Seleris to be relatively easy and that she successfully completes it by herself with compliments from Richardson, senior vice president, and Malone, vice president, that “her analysis was the best they had yet seen by anyone in the division”(Dissel & Margoils, 2004, p.4). The second assignment though is challenging. After unsuccessful attempt at trying to get help from recognized team leaders, she decides to work on her own. McCaskey has made efforts to work seven days a week, 10 to15 hours each day over 6 months, and in the end she is

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