
Baseball: A Change In America's Pastime

Decent Essays

America’s past time has been a long-standing tradition in American history. For more than one hundred years the game of baseball has not change, but some now want it to.

Baseball separates itself by being known for the sport that does not use a time clock. But many sports fan are calling for a change due to the boring nature of baseball. Over the past 5 years MLB has been working to reduce the length of the game while promoting the action in in.

“The pace of the game has slowed dramatically over the years. In 1981, the average length of games was 2:33”, said Maury Brown, owner of Bizball LLC. The game length in 2016 is over 3 hours and sometimes much more.

For the baseball purist the game length is not a problem. But the casual fan or the fan to be the game length is a problem. MLB does not want to lose its future fans or present fans, and so they are taking the steps to make sure it does not happen. …show more content…

Though, MLB knows they still need to do more. In a survey of 809 Toluna sports fans, senior ESPN writer Jayson Starks concluded that 29% said the changes to baseball would negatively affect the integrity of the game; while 71 % said it would be good for the game.

Jesus Alarcon life long baseball fan said “ I love the game of baseball, but I think there needs to be some change… even I a baseball pursuit have problems watching a 4 hour game… unless it’s the Cubs in the world series of

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