
Battle At Trenton Research Paper

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The Battle at Trenton, probably one of the most significant battles of the American Revolutionary War, was a resounding victory for the Continental Army. General George Washington, commander of the Continental Army, was the victor more on the sheer complacency of British Commanding General James Grant and Colonel Johann Rall, Trenton Garrison Commander. December 25 and 26, 1776, will live in infamy for the British. Even though the battle was not a resounding crush to the British forces, General Lord Charles Cornwallis, General James Grant and General William Howe, had made a strategic mistake and now handed the upper hand to the Continental Army. It was a resounding victory for General George Washington, not only for morale but also because the gained strategic winter positioning. Yet all should have been for not. Had the British and their allied forces, the Hessians, used intelligence assets that were available at that time, General Washington would have lost the battle, and subsequently the war. Through …show more content…

General Washington knew the importance of good intelligence, of which Honeyman played a major role. Honeyman, an Irishman who had served the British in previous wars, had earned the trust of the British. Which allowed him to move in and around Trenton without fear of persecution. However, Honeyman was a sympathizer to the Colonials, and reported intelligence information directly to General Washington. Prior to the battle, Honeyman had arranged his own capture by the Colonial Army, where he reported the bad state of the Garrison Trenton. He reported that Colonel Rall’s men were less than 2,000 that were supplied by a small amount of heavy guns. With the help of General Washington, Honeyman escaped the Colonial Army and reported back to Colonel Rall. He led the commander of the Garrison to believe that the Colonial Army was in no state to attack any time soon (Central Intelligence Agency,

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