
Battle Of Britain Essay

Decent Essays

Battle of Britain
Potential Question: How was Britain able to defeat Germany in the Battle of Britain and was the victory a significant turning point in World War II?

I am working on a study of the Battle of Britain in order to comprehend how Britain was able to defeat Germany, and the impacts of their decisive victory. One of the reason why the Battle of Britain is important is because it was the first battle between only air power. This conflict was to be decided between the Luftwaffe and the Royal Air Force. Because of that fact, I find this topic to be extremely interesting. The Battle of Britain was a turning point in World War II, which I will attempt to prove in this paper, and it was fought between two of the most powerful air forces …show more content…

I have begun my research and have found some good articles and websites, but I still hope to find a few general histories of the Battle of Britain and maybe even World War II. One of the articles I have found deals with the will of the English people and how their determinism helped Britain win the battle. This article will be beneficial in helping me portray the profound impact the citizens had on the battle. I also found another article that focuses on Churchill and his impact on the Battle of Britain and the citizens in general with his speeches. This will help me show the importance of key leaders and the influence they had. And the last article that I current possess deals with how the Luftwaffe actually lost the battle. This will be very important in my second body paragraph that deals with how Britain was actually able to win. Another set of sources I am excited to use are pictures, combat records, and videos from the National Archives. I plan on incorporating these into my paper to provide quantitative information.

Battle of Britain Outline
1. Introduction
a. What is the Battle of Britain?
b. Why is it important?
c. Identify what I will be focusing on.
2. Body Paragraph One
a. Discuss the policies, behaviors, and attitudes of Britain from 1918 through the 1940s.
i. Royal Air Force ii. Behaviors/actions of key leaders such as Winston Churchill and Hugh Dowding. iii. Attitudes/behaviors of the citizens

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