
Battle Of Hamilton Essay

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In this paper, we will compare and contrast the Orthodox portrayal of the Battle of Britain found in the 1969 Guy Hamilton film by that name, versus the slightly more revisionist historical accounts of the Battle of Britain by historians Michael J. Lyons and Richard Hough in their respective books.
Hamilton's 1969 film the battle of Britain was not the huge commercial success that he hoped it would be. The film does feature an all-star cast of some of the finest English actors of the 1960s and 1970s. I think that director Hamilton and the riders, Wilfred Greatorex and James Kennaway should be given credit for making an intelligent movie that sticks to the Orthodox historical version of the battle rather than writing and some cheesy dramatic …show more content…

Even though it failed to repel the invasion of the Romans and William the Conqueror, the Channel did save Britain from the two greatest conquering armies of the 19th and 20th centuries. A scene from the 1969 film" Battle of Britain" highlights this fact wonderfully. In perpetually neutral Switzerland, Baron von Richter is meeting with his friend,' the British ambassador Sir David Kelly. Hitler's offer of peace is flatly rejected because his promises have been shown to be worthless. Richter tells Kelly," Europe is ours. We can walk into Britain whenever we like." Sir David Kelly responds," We are not easily frightened. Also we know how hard it is for an army to cross the Channel. The last little Corporal (Napoleon Bonaparte) who tried came a cropper." ( came to his …show more content…

Stuffy is saving his aircraft and his "chicks" for the defense of England. It was the opinion of Richard Hough that Dowding's decision to quit wasting his squadrons on the hopeless situation in France and bring the fighters home to England was a key factor in the razor thin margin of victory that Britain secured over Germany. Hough states," had the flow of fighters to France continued, fighter command would have been weakened to the point of failure in the great test to

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