
Bayley Scales

Decent Essays

a) Some important concepts that the authors of “Long-term effects of LCPUFA supplementation on childhood cognitive outcomes”1 could have defined, but neglected to were: long chained polyunsaturated fatty acids, arachidonic acids, and docosahexaenoic acid. Without further explanations of these terms, a lay person may find this article difficult to comprehend.
b) Colombo and his team explicitly define the Bayley Scales of Infant Development as “a well-standardize and common assessment of infant development status.”1 Also, the authors implicitly associate the word “productive” with “expressive.” 1
c) A plausible explanation for why the authors defined the Bayley Scales of Infant Development (and the other instrumental measures used in this experiment) is to show high validity in this …show more content…

In order to make sure that the audience have the same understanding of “productive” in this context, “expressive” was included to narrow down other possibilities of the word.
d) A dilemma of infinite regress can be seen when Colombo gives an example of cognitive function as “congenital anomalies or established genetic diagnoses associated with intellectual disabilities.” 1 Words like “congenital,” “anomalies,” and “intellectual disabilities” needed to be defined and clarified.
e) Alferdo Ardila defines “cognitive function” in his article “Is ‘Self-Consciousness’ Equivalent to ‘Executive Function’?” 2 He states that “executive function is …difficult to define.”2 He separates the term into two categories: metacognitive executive functions (MEF) and emotional/motivational executive functions (EMEF).2 In MEF, he describes cognitive function as “the ability to anticipate the consequences of behavior, self-awareness, the temporality of behavior.”2 For EMEF, cognitive function is the “ability to fulfill basic impulses using socially appropriate strategies.”

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