
Beauty Is All About Being Young And Attractive Essay

Satisfactory Essays

The protagonist was entombed in her beautiful somatic body and she wanted to grow old like all other normal people around her. It is a normal inclination with most of the human being that they generally do not appreciate with what they have. No one sits back and contemplates what they really want and who they really are. There is never a quest for their self-identity and individuality. Most of the civilization has always failed to apprehend the real delineation of exquisiteness and thus have built up this notion that beauty is all about being young and attractive. These things are clearly seen happening with the daughter of the protagonist namely Ellen Burstyn. Ellen always wanted to look young like her mother. When she was seventy years old on one hand she was sad and on the other jealous too with the exquisite beauty of her young mother.
Margaret Cruikshank writes:
“One mark of social edifice of aging is the overemphasis on bodily deterioration. The entire meaning of old age then becomes the bodily loss. When old people are abridged to weakening bodies, they can easily be relegated. No one regards childhood or adolescence solely as a physical disorder. Seeing old age in this constricted way has many consequences, of which the most substantial is the medicalization of aging.”(p. 35)
Adeline had to change her identity and her nation every year. People were not ready to admit her static ailment. It is clear from the above statement that old age has been allied with declining

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