
Beauty and the Bloke by Cosmo Landesman and Breaking Free of Oldfashioned Stereotypes

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Beauty and the Bloke by Cosmo Landesman and Breaking Free of Oldfashioned Stereotypes

"Beauty and the bloke" by Cosmo Landesman is an argumentative article trying to put across the message that men and women are breaking free of old fashioned stereotypes, he is trying to convey the message that it's the nineties, men no longer have to be macho and hairy! They are no longer afraid or ashamed to care for their appearances, even if it means cosmetic surgery! Women to are also making a stand, no longer will they stand silent being made to look good by men, women are now "prepared to give the men they love a shove in the direction of the cosmetic surgeon" Landesman throughout the article, puts across the …show more content…

There are many more examples of surprise endings to sentences. I think Landesman uses surprise endings because it gives the article a certain edge to it, it's not what the reader expects and it intrigues the reader.

Landesman uses many humorous visual descriptions throughout the piece, e.g. "get my belly surgically removed…"and "more lines than British rail ways" and "sitting in bathtubs of seaweed". These help the reader to use his/her imagination to show the length some men will go to, to achieve "beauty". They also create humour and keep the reader interested.

The use of similes in the article add humour and a more visual picture in the readers mind e.g. "starting to look like Mr blobby" and "like some sot of slice of scary sci-fi feminism". Metaphors are used in the same way e.g. " more lines than British railway across his face" and "from primate to peacock"

The writer creates laughter at his own expense, this creates humour but it also gives a more personal feel to the article. The writer is sharing personal thoughts and experiences with you, a bond is made between the writer and reader and you feel like you know the writer and you warm to the article and can relate to it better. E.g. "when my moment came…snivelling, sulking and self pity" and "my wife is so

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