
Becoming A Nurse Practitioner Essay

Decent Essays

As the future quickly ahead of me is being planned I have already come to the conclusion that becoming a Nurse Practitioner is what my heart most desires. A nurse practitioner is a person that is taught to utilize their critical thinking skills with advanced academic learning in order to take care of others by making clinical desicion making as it pertains to emotional, mental and physical being .This includes giving them medical instructions to specific or general illnesses to follow at home and through out the managing of their chronic illnesses. Furthermore, reasearching to become a nurse has been enlightening and prior to this course I was not aware that there were many specialities that I could select from such as Genetics, Geriatric, Pediatrics, Addiction, Neonatology , Rehab. Depending on the specificity of the areas of health the requirements for a higher education are …show more content…

Once I obtain a BSN I have the opportunity to work at any small doctors office or clinic while I contiue an academic career to become a Nurse Practinoner. In addition , working will allow me to learn on the job skills such as knowing how to operate medical equipment, administrating medicine and hands on treatment to patients. Whats more helpful by working in a clinical setting is learning how to encorporate the patient's body language and learing how to attend to their needs to remain physically stable. In conlcusion, in this choice of career I must posses many important qualities such as being well organized, detailed, staying calm in a fast paced situation, and having the strength to face those in need even if they are suffering. With the lord and others on my side that I can rely on along with an opened mind and humbled heart I'm going to reach my full potential and strive for

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