
Bed Sheet Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

A recent survey revealed the average bachelor only changes his sheets four times a year. The survey revealed that men aged 18-25 were the most unhygienic. The survey that was performed in the U.K. also broke down cleanliness by age group. Unsurprisingly, young men between the ages of 18 and 25 reported being the most neglectful when it comes to their bedding. Almost 72 percent of men who were surveyed only washed their sheets once every three months. Couples on the other hand were much tidier, changing the sheets about once every two weeks. Single women changed their sheets every 2.5 weeks. The survey found when it came to couples, 81 percent of the time women were in charge of the laundry. The cleanest people who washed their sheets once a week were …show more content…

Two thirds claimed that they kept the same sheets on until they’d had ‘several guests’ use them. Single male respondents were asked how many different bed sheet sets they owned, to which the average answer was ‘one set’ for just over half of those participating in the survey. According to the majority of single female respondents, they claimed to own an average of three sets. Ergoflex spokesperson Jed MacEwan, said: 'We were quite alarmed at the apparent lack of basic hygiene from some respondents. 'Unclean bed sheets contain the tens of thousands of dead skin cells that we shed every night, and by going months without cleaning them you’re risking some distinctly unpleasant consequences every time you go to bed. 'Dust mites would find a perfect habitat in such unhygienic bed sheets, and it's well documented that they can cause allergic flare-ups, asthma, rhinitis and other physical reactions. 'Also, by allowing your bed to become so unclean you’re almost asking for a bed bug infestation, which could prove to be a high price to pay for simply not washing your sheets more

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