
Beethoven Biography Essay

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Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany in January of 1770.Ludwig van Beethoven was an Excellent composer and pianist. A crucial figure in the conversion between the Classical and Romantic eras in Western art music, he remains one of the famous and influential of all composers.
Even as a child, he was different through a rare difference to focus and through his culture. One must not see Ludwig as a conceded melancholic, he was mean as a child not much different from other children his age.

Until he was ten, Ludwig went to primary school, but the years he actually spent in school gave him a bit of knowledge. He could not continue his schooling because of-of his families’ poor financial status.

By the age of 12, his schooling lacked any systematic …show more content…

During that time Beethoven was 8 years old.

Beethoven finds his 1st real teacher in 1782, Christian-Gottlob Neefe, the famous musical director of the national theater in Bonn.A true scholar, Neefe became a teacher for Beethoven, showing him the good ideas of his century.

After leaving Bonn, Beethoven hit Vienna ready to make a new life for himself. It takes him three months to settle all the arrangements Beethoven’s new teacher. Lessons with Haydn stood for over a year and were done then latter left London. It seems that although their relationship started out on the wrong foot, the lack of spending time with each other and Haydn’s age, combined with Beethoven’s anger issues, made the worst time of their lessons.

In his first years in Vienna, Beethoven manages to make his name seen in musical circles. He frequently made concerts for the nobility of the time. He had a lot of closer relations to Prince Karl Lichowski and Van Swieten. After being done with his lessons with Haydn, the teacher starts to school with Johann Schenk, Alois Foster, Johann-Georg Albrecht Berger, and Antonio Salieri, with his friends. Beethoven was a teacher of Vienna’s greatest pedagogues at that

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