
Behavior Modification Plan for Public Speaking

Satisfactory Essays

My client is a politician running for local office with one major disadvantage. He has an acute fear of public speaking. If speaking to more than a couple people at one time he will freeze up and his fight or flight response will kick in. This behavior is consistent each time he attempts to speak in front of a large group of people. The fear became apparent in high school during a student government debate. The fear was initially only connected to an entire auditorium, but slowly progressed to mid-sized groups by the time finished college. This fear could ruin his career and continue to be a setback throughout his life. He is desperate for theories regarding the source of the fear and possible solutions.
Classical conditioning can explain the development and persistence of my client’s fear of public speaking. Classical conditioning can be defined as, “the type of learning in which a response naturally elicited by one stimulus comes to be elicited by a different, formerly neutral, stimulus,” (Morris 153). Classic conditioning begins with an unconditioned stimulus, in other words, an event that triggers an unconditioned response as a reaction to the unconditioned stimulus. A neutral response that is paired with the unconditioned response can become a conditioned stimulus or “trigger” for a new conditioned response. In the case of my client, his fear could have begun with a neutral stimulus such as him being the center of attention. An unconditioned stimulus could then take

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