
Psychodynamic Behavioral Therapy

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Behavioral Therapeutic techniques have been one of the few theories that impact many people lives. Many therapists use this technique to understand and observe their client’s behavior and how their situation can affect their behavior. The roles and goals a therapist uses to help their client makes the therapist and client session successful. In my mock interview with my client, I learn various behavioral principles many therapists uses to understand their client behavioral problems. Behavioral therapeutic techniques have been a good resource for understanding a person situation. The History of Behavioral Therapy Behavior Therapy is the theory that focuses on helping individuals in understanding how the way they behavior determines how they will be feeling in the long term and how they will react as a person. Behavior therapy is more focus on the observing behavior can affect a person lifestyles (Corey, 2016). It’s a therapy that impacted a lot of psychological disorders such as Anxiety disorders, depression, substances abuse and many more disorders has been successful treated using the behavioral method. The behavioral approach was the origin in the 1950s and …show more content…

The classical conditioning is a condition that focuses on the learning process in which a biological potent stimulus is paired with a neutral stimulus, a good example is Pavlov dog salivating (Corey, 2016). Operant conditioning focuses on the involvement of learning in which behavioral can be influenced by the consequences. The social learning approach is different from the Classical and Operant condition; its main focus is understanding the behavior of the environmental event that occurs with the individual. This approach is significant in identifying the way the environment can affect a person behavioral

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