
Being An Elementary School Teacher

Decent Essays

In our community everyone has their own ways of learning. Knowing how people interact with one and other, and understanding the diverse individual in our community helps to give everyone a fair, and equitable education in our society. Knowing how different people learn and function other than yourself helps us as humans understand others and how they have the ability to learn. Even though, the way people think about things may be different than your own thinking, and act as they find a common ground in our diverse and changing world. Being an elementary school teacher comes with a tremendous amount of responsibilities. As a teacher, it is important to know how help all children learn, and contribute to the classroom in an effective way. With students having their own unique way of learning, and contributing to the class us as teachers need help our students find out where they shine in the classroom. As a teacher helping students learn in the way that beneficial to the student is the most important part of the job. A way to help the student succeed in the classroom is to find a goal they are passionate about, find a reward that helps give the child something to work towards. Whether it is an academic goal or them having to work to be able to stay on a sports team. According to learning goals are tools used for problem solving and offer a set of boundaries to help the students look at the real world. With helping students set goals it gives them the tools

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