It is evident that today’s world is headed in a perpetual downward spiral. With weed being legalized and the constant debates over abortion, our nation is getting sucked up in the legality of law making instead of taking a step back and realizing the moral aspects of what they are actually doing. They seem to have forgotten to ask themselves, “What will benefit our future the most?” For example, foster care in America has reversed its principles by merely going through the motions of what the laws state, rather than actually putting effort into the care and safety of children. I believe that the state should put more emphasis on sending kids to permanent homes of foster parents instead of reuniting them with their insufficient legal …show more content…
Foster agencies take the children from these careless homes so that the child will be safe in a foster home. Growing up around a family who, for example, does drugs is not a good environment for a child to be around. The instant reaction to this from foster care agencies should immediately be to take the child from the situation so that it will not be harmed or disoriented by the users.
Once they take the child from the home, they place it in a foster institution which consists of families who maybe cannot become pregnant or just want to help save lives. The amount of time a child is in foster care with that family ranges from a month to a year and a half. This time all depends on the effort the biological parent puts in to getting their kid back. For example, in the state of Texas, Pathways Foster Care Agency has a process that they go through for family reunification. When a child is taken away they basically start a timer on the biological parents for them to get their lives together. During this time a foster family has taken this child in, fed it, clothed it, and basically accepted it as their own. During the span of a year the biological parent is drug tested continuously. After the year is up, if the parent has not fulfilled what was expected of them, they go to court for a six month extension which in most
They are constantly moving from school to school do to being relocated, typically foster youth do not have strong long lasting bonds with a parents, and foster typically are more prone to being the outcast due to being new all the time and not having strong parent role models. Some foster children are physically and mentally broken, they need to know they are not disposable. With numbers of kids entering the foster care system increasing it is getting harder for these kids to be individually cared and watched over by the system. According to “Facts for Families” about 30 percent of children in foster care have severe emotional, behavioral, or developmental problems. ”(1)
or residential treatment centers.” Foster care is intended as a short-term service that helps during emergencies in the lives of families, and the government expects that children who go into the system will be returned to their parents as quickly as possible, or will be given a safe haven,
Without the proper form of a “home” or better yet a family, children are not well equipped for life and the struggles they may face. The foster system is wonderful for protecting children from strife they may encounter with their biological parents, but it can do more harm than good. “‘The longer kids stay in foster care the more moves they have, the worse they become socially and emotionally’ Blanco said” (Chavers 9). States around the country are now trying to figure out a way to find permanent, safe, stable homes for youth in foster care (Chavers 1).
Foster care has been around for years, it is a place for kids with no families to go or for kids who's parents didn't want them. It isn’t all bad. When someone gives up a child, they are giving someone who wants a baby/child and can’t have any, a chance to be a parent. There are a lot of problems with the system. That is why people should keep an eye on the child, they do not understand why things happen to them. If one foster child says they are getting abused someone should watch them and they should have surveillance cameras in all rooms of the home to ensure that the children there are not mistreated. For at least a month or two.“Parenthood requires love, not DNA.” -Anonymous (“Foster Care Services”)
“The child welfare and substance abuse systems are integrally linked through the children and families they serve (Blome, W., Shields, J., & Verdieck, M., 2009). There is a dearth of knowledge, however, on how children who have experienced foster care fare when they are treated for substance abuse issues as adults” (Blome, W., Shields, J., & Verdieck,
The foster care system is supposed to protect the children from abuse and neglect. Children are being removed from their home away from an abusive situation and placed into the foster care system that need to be reformed to protect the children from more abuse and neglect. When a child is placed into the foster care system, it doesn’t mean they will be free from abuse and neglect they will still have obstacles to overcome. Although these children’s are being removed from the only family they know and familiar being around to being placed in an uncertain environment.
One of the problems with children of addicts is that they may bounce in and out of foster care, and not have a truly stable home in between. Addicts have a tendency to relapse, which means that the parents might get clean, go through any court-ordered classes or mandates, get the children home, and start right back up with drugs yet again.
What are laws and misconceptions pertaining to foster care? When looking into foster care laws the main concern when dealing with children was their environment, before and after they were put in foster care. Whether the problem was neglect, abuse or not meeting some requirements when put in foster care, such as a “family like setting”. There are also several misconceptions when adopting from a foster home and living in one.
Foster care can be a horrible experience for a child. Not knowing your parents or not being able to see them again can emotionally mess with their mind. They can be depressed and angry and think that they’re not wanted and that there’s no point in life. This can lead them bouncing from house to house just so they can find somewhere
Foster Care can be a confusing place and scary to some. It is unfortunate when situations must put a child through the system, sometimes due to families’ inability to care for them or other times due to abuse or neglect. Many have experienced some form of loss and trauma and so the process from beginning to end must be handle with care and compassion. When foster placement is called for it is both physically and mentally stressful for all parties involved, most especially to the child. All measures must be taken to ensure that their health, safety, and welfare are top priority when a placing them with foster families who can give them stability and love.
In life some parents fail to take care of their children. Some parents become addicted to drugs, alcohol, partying, take advantage of their kids, or abuse their kids. Some children are neglected to be fed, clothed, bathed, educated, get the required vaccinations, be taken to the doctor when sick, or be look after and watched. These children are most of the time taken away from their parents by social services and put into foster care. They are put into foster care at different ages ranging from birth to eighteen years old. In 2015 over 670,000 children in the United Sates were in foster care.
The foster care system, is a temporary arrangement in which adults provide for the care of a child or children whose birthparent is unable to care for them. This can be for a variety of reasons, they can be addicted to drugs, homeless with no means of support or they have passed away and there is no other family member to take the child or children. No matter the reason, the children are placed into a home for their protection. However, some of the children aren’t always placed into a safe home. The amount of abuse that happens to children in foster care is staggering, ranging from neglect, physical, sexual and even emotional abuse. All of the reasons the children could have been taken from their homes to begin with. So then if they were put in to foster care for their protection, whose really protecting them?
When you are placing a child in a foster home, it tends to be for the reason that the child was originally not in a good home. Their home with their biological parents could have been with drugs and alcohol. Their parents could have been drug dealers or constant drinkers or smokers. The parents may not have been able to afford the child. Being placed in
A foster home is supposed to make a child feel safe and secured until they are adopted or able to take care of themselves. I think instead of just sending children to just any foster facility, we should perform a thorough background check on said facilities with certified caregivers. This way, we will not have to pull children
Many children will average about five or six years in the system and go through four to seven homes, making it hard for the children to find stability and have a productive life. Generally, when a child moves to a new foster home, it is far away, forcing the child to pretty much start all over from the very beginning. Moving from home to home and not having that stability causes the child to have many emotions, which are often ignored by foster parents. The neglect and maltreatment by a lot of foster parents is out of control, but a lot of social workers say there isn’t much they can do. And when the children age out of the system, there aren’t that many resources for them to be on their own. Once they turn eighteen, the foster parents usually send them out on their own, making it difficult for the children to finish school. An ideal environment for the growth of children does not usually exist anymore and in order to promote continuity in the social, emotional, and developmental growth of children, there has to be people out there willing to listen.