Being on stage performing is a thrilling experience. I love everything about musicals and especially being a part of one. Singing is a daily piece of my day and it always brings a smile to my face. I love playing the devious characters because they are so fun to completely change your personality. What I have learned from loving musicals is whenever I am down I can always sing about anything and it just brings me so much joy. I have also learned the meaning of true friendships. I made so many bonds with my fellow characters it was incredible. We were so close we would always hang out with each other even after the musical ended. Whenever I was nervous or someone else was, we would always calm each other down and proceed to have a wonderful
Now, I am not a great actor and I can’t sing beautifully to save my life, but I did anyway. I love it so much it doesn’t matter whether I can do it or not. I met many people during that production and we all shared the same passion of theatre and music.
As a shy, reserved student, I found myself blossoming through the stage. I fell in love with the stage and auditioned for the middle school's play, A Christmas Carol. Fortunately, I was casted in the performance. I loved the experience so much that I auditioned for the next year's play and musical and got a part in those as well. The more time I spent on stage, the more confident I became. I felt like the stage was where I belonged. I had a passion for theater that began to distinguish like a flame when I entered high school.
Director “What! I bet everyone is stuck at the statue of liberty and cant get over here.”
The reason why I would be the right person for stage crew is because I am respectful not only to my peers, and teachers but to my parents, I don't catch attitudes. I would love to be apart stage crew because I love working hard and helping people out especially for plays. I am very organized and on task so if you need any help with anything I would be right by your side. I'm very helpful to anything you need me to do.
The set used for Vernon God Little was highly symbolic and simplistic; when we walked into the theatre we could visually see that there were flowers, cards and memorable items attached on the audiences seats above our heads, which already created a sombre atmosphere around the theatre.
On Tuesday, October 17, 2017, UAB presented a faculty recital. The concert entailed performances by Denise Gainey and Yakov Kasman. Gainey was the soloist and Kasman was the accompanying pianist. The atmosphere of concert, depicted by the music and musicians, was sort of a roller coaster. One minute the mood was down and like a lullaby; next it was expressive and full of emotion; then it was up and intriguing.
Being a member of theatre has caused me to grow as an individual in ways I am still beginning to understand. I believe theatre has molded me into a much more personable and tolerant person, and it has most definitely given me a high confidence level. Theatre has helped me develop my sense of self, as I’ve become highly aware of how I am perceived by others.
Fourteen years after that fateful day, when I saw that first musical, my love has grown. I have changed a great deal, but my love has not. Despite what other people say and believe, musical theatre is what I am destined to do. So I will keep pushing myself to become better. Because, no matter what, I'm determined to keep dancing and Singing in the
Since the end of Cinderella I started to have an obsession for musical theater. I’ve ended up watching an incredible number of musicals: from Shrek to Funny Girl, from Cats to Something Rotten, I simply spent my two first days laying on the couch while my friends were laying on the beach.
Many people look at musicals as unrealistic and pointless, mostly because "no one can learn anything by singing and dancing." People who think this way couldn't be more wrong. There are many things to be learned from these masterful musical selections.
Dance is a universal language, there are no words being said but you can still feel something very powerful. Dance has been around for centuries, some of the earliest known records are paintings from nine thousand years ago in India. There are also some dancing figures from an Egyptian tomb that were found which were dated back to three thousand, three hundred BC. It is said that before the invention of written language, dance was the most powerful method to tell stories throughout generations. Is this why dance is still around after so many years, because it can portray amazing stories with no words? Today, we are going to explore the many reasons why dance, in the use of musical theatre, can make the difference between an amateur show and a Broadway show.
Stagecraft is a generic term referring to the technical aspects of theatrical, film, and video production. Considered a technical rather than an artistic field, it relates primarily to the practical implementation of a designer's artistic vision.
Theatre has a different meaning for everyone who encounters it. Over the years theatre has given me a lot. It has given me an outlet, a way to express myself. In fact one of my mentors said that, “It isn’t about impressing, but about expressing,” and that really resonated with me, as that’s what I really believe theatre is about. Also, theatre has given me a safe place that I can always turn to. In addition, I have learned many life lessons through theatre, such as, dedication and work ethic. It has also taught me about the sanctity of communication and individuality. My most valuable high school memories and experiences have stemmed from theatre. When I look back on my high school years I won’t remember the classes I took and the grades I received, but I will remember the shows I participated in because they have shaped the person I have become and have been some of the most impactful moments in my life.
This semester I have experience many live musical performances. Some of these performances have let me down but for the most part, these performances have been everything I ever expected. My two favorite performances this semester were Festival Vallenato and Ultra Music Festival. Although these two types of music are different in every way possible, the people and the performers are exactly where I feel I am in the right place.
The concert I attended was performed by the Brooklyn College Wind Ensemble conducted by Jeff W. Ball on March 1, 2016. The Midwood High School Band, conducted by Melissa Williams, performed as special guests. Before going to the concert, I looked up Wind Ensemble so I’d know what to expect. A Wind Ensemble consists only of wind, brass, and percussion instruments. My concert experience was enjoyable as I went in knowing what the Wind Ensemble is, and went in with an open mind.