
Being Poor

Decent Essays

The High Price of Being Poor
Poverty has been one of the worst and biggest problems in the world. It has the power to last for years and devastate the lives of people around the globe. Every day there are people in constant need of a home and food due to poverty. The United States has also been greatly affected by this cause. The truth is that poverty is destroying people and their families, and there are several reasons that cause this problem. Poverty has ruled over the years because of the immigration rates and the laws established by the government.
Poverty has been taking over the world throughout hundreds of years. The Great Depression, that took place in the United States, is an example of how poverty has affected families and economies. …show more content…

The government seeks the economic stability of the country, so it imposes taxes to do so. However, almost half of the population is not able to afford this taxation (Ladner 1). Lao Tzu states that “the more restrictive laws, the poorer the people” (163). This can explain how the government has a great impact on the poverty rates. Most of the middle and lower classes are in constant need because they do not make the sufficient amount of money to pay for the taxes imposed. There are also many immigrants that try to get better opportunities. However, they come to this country and experience severe poverty and lack of jobs. Once again, Ladner states in his article that the government has the power to change people’s lives by reducing the taxes and creating more jobs (Ladner 2). An article released recently in April 2015, affirms how the undocumented immigrants that are currently living in the United States paid approximately “11.84 billion” of state and local taxes (“Undocumented Immigrants State and Local Tax Contributors 1”). This serves as an example because it shows that immigrants are coming to the United States to have better opportunities, but they end up paying billions of dollars in taxes. Furthermore, they continue to be in a state of poverty and scarcity. The government and its laws, have the power to change and destroy poverty, yet they do the opposite by requesting more

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