
Bel 311 Week 3 Rhetorical Analysis

Decent Essays

Week three’s devotional really touched me. Many people think they can do everything on their own, that they do not need God in their life. I feel that we all need God to help us get through the challenges in our lives, so we can grow and learn from those challenges. John 14:26 says, “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you” (NASB). John 14:26 supports my feelings when it comes to needing God, as He will teach us. Only He knows what each of us need and when He can teach us and help us grow in life; even if we did not understand the lesson at the time. As a human being, I can be stubborn at times and think that I do not need God in my life, but He always finds a way to remind me that I do need Him. It is so easy to get off track and forget the important things in life, but as a leader it is important for me to set good examples to my followers. The best example I can think of is to show my followers how much God truly and unconditionally, loves each and every one of His children. …show more content…

I have always felt that communication was the most important skill to have as a leader. During the class interview with Dr. Kerrie Berends, she reinforced my thoughts when she stated, “communication is the most important leadership skill to have when working remotely” (class discussion, July 1, 2015). As a supervisor of twenty-two people that I do not see on a daily basis, I am always expressing the importance of communication in order to keep the program running smoothly. I often say to my employees, or potential employees for that matter, “communication is key.” I have several ways that I communicate with my employees in order to stay connected with them such as email, text messages and phone calls. Memos are used if the matter is not

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