
Benefits Of A Bronchial Cancer Patient

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I haven’t talked to you in forever! Yes, I know it has only been two months since you moved from the historical city of Little Rock to Hot Springs, Arkansas, and you are literally not that far, yet I still miss you dearly. We should seriously do some chatting up over Skype. Maybe you would begin to restore self-confidence in that amazing future young woman God has individually gifted you. Of course, you would feel a little better after some catching up back at home. I get that you had it hard with your parents’ recent divorce, and the “Cherry on Top” was your break up with that so-called “Love of your Life”. It’s not like you have chosen wrong, but as far as I know, it happened the day after you move, and from that day onto now, I still contemplate over your depressing tweets which scatter all over your profile. Your Twitter profile is so heartbreaking that it can easily relate to a bronchial cancer patient who was well acknowledged of the consequences but continued to risk smoking because they lost all hope. Your tweets might as well be theirs: “I guess this is the end of me.”, “I needed him but I guess he didn’t want me back.”, “There is literally no reason for me to live anymore.” The list just goes on and on. Jesus, I just wish you stop this mayhem over social media and find a positive side. How is this helping anyone else around you? How is this helping YOU? In a sense, I understand your grieving situation, but at the same time, I don’t understand. Why not,

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