
Benefits Of Attending A Community College

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Students nowadays face many challenges when it comes to obtaining a college education. We evaluate an institution’s quality based on what we need the most. The qualities sought out may vary by each person’s personal point of view. However, as a student, I’ve found that most students seek for an institute that benefits them the most. Attending a community college has been an enormous advantage towards my education. I have been attending San Bernardino Valley College for the last two semesters. I have come to respect their philosophies and values. The institution has now been in business for 87 years. They venture to encourage both students and faculty towards high standards of achievement and progress into exceptional members of the society. They now offer a variety of degrees, transfer programs and certificates for a wide range of students. San Bernardino Valley College has an accomplished staff, student support services and technological tools that pave the road towards the conquest of a quality education.
Benefits of attending a community college as opposed to a traditional university tend to be overlooked by potential students. They are either unaware of its advantages or do not fully understand how this type of education can benefit their cause. Year after year large amounts of students choose to go straight from high school and in to four-year universities. The problem with this particular situations is that universities in general tend to have 50-400 students in one

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