Cloning and the creation of the monster in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein sounds promising, however, cloning is highly irresponsible to pursue. Dolly the sheep had a successful cloning but it brought many questions to the scientists. Cloning may have its benefits, but the outcome may vary. Cloning will impact the world deeply and cause a tension among the humans. Allowing to clone a human being is referred to as playing God. It is reasonable to decline the cloning of humans due to the fact it is a threat to human evolution, high failure rates and the possible life issues that may occur. The cloning of humans have its advantages, but it is a threat to human evolution. It would decrease the immunity of human beings to fight off diseases (Putatunda
Dolly can be compared with Frankenstein in Shelley’s novel. They both were created artificially by humans and not by nature. The methods are different in cloning is like making the exact copy and in Frankenstein is bringing back from death. The origin of life is by reproduction and by using a scientific method to create life is challenging the nature. In both scenarios humans are “playing God” and since is an experimentation the consequences and results are unknown. In both, cloning by cellular transfer(Dolly) and Frankenstein they use electricity in the process of create life. Cloning is the modern
This could be a pro as well as a con of human cloning. “With great power comes great responsibility” (Uncle Ben, “Spiderman”). This could be one of the wisest quotes of all time. The science of human cloning has the potential to be a history changing discovery. But with any powerful subject, the hands that behold the power of change need to be responsible.
Scientists are eager to explore the formation of life, and if possible, create life. Like people in 18th century, people nowadays have limited understanding regarding Cloning and Cloning indeed seems to be a mysterious science. Nevertheless, lots of scientists assert that Cloning will change the world and has unlimited benefits. Under this circumstance, Cloning gains momentum and harbors a greater and greater influence on society. From a variety of aspects, Cloning shares a myriad of common factors with Frankenstein, including similarities between Frankenstein and science in general that are discussed already. Therefore, as what Victor warned us, we should take all kinds of future consequences into consideration before the global implementation of cloning, in order to shun the miserable outcomes Victor suffered.
With the development of science, cloning has become possible. Some cloning has been used to help benefit the human race; in some ways the environment and other species. However, other cloning uses could cause many problems such as a disadvantage in intelligence, strength, and who would be acceptable to obtain what jobs.
While there appears to be many advantages for the continuation of cloning research, there are other drawbacks that may negatively impact the society in the future. Cloning may reduce genetic variability by producing populations that have the same genetic make-up. This population would be susceptible to the same diseases and could potentially be wiped out by a single strain of virus. Such a result could be catastrophic and devastate entire nations. Cloning in human would inevitably lead to testings on human subjects and genetic tailoring of offspring. It is plausible that scientists could alter genetic coding to produce a baby with desirable traits resulting in a ‘perfect human’ with heightened senses and sub-normal intelligence. There have been no occurrences to
Cloning is “the creation of exact copies of a gene, cell, or entire organism” (“Cloning”). Many objects can be cloned such as plants and cells. The topic of cloning becomes controversial when the focus is toward humans. It is evident that cloning of other species and organisms is possible. Because of this, the thought of human cloning has arisen in the science community within the previous few centuries. According to a poll produced by Time Magazine, ninety-three percent of American’s are opposed to human cloning (“Human Cloning”). This proves that the advancement of this topic has developed far beyond our wisdom. If nearly one hundred percent of the population disagrees with even the idea of this experiment, it is evident that they are unaware of the ways in which this technology has advanced. Furthermore, this unpredictable outcome of cloning will be irreversible. “Whatever effects cloning might have, cloning would be like opening Pandora’s Box, because there would be no way to turn back once the technology was developed and in use” (“Human Cloning”). As has been noted, the science of human cloning is not yet understood therefore it has advanced far too quickly for society to
Knowledge is power, but power does not necessarily mean knowledge. Although Frankenstein had a lot of knowledge, he was unable to control the creature and shows clones will not fit into our society because people will not be able to control them, strip the people of their individuality and bring back the loves one necessarily . If people were able to make clones of themselves, they will never be able to fit into our society. Mary Shelley’s book, Frankenstein, Frankenstein was able to bring a dead body to life, but he was not able to fit into the world of the humans. Knowing that the creature did not fit into the world, then clones will not be able to fit into the world either.
One current prominent issue of the modern world that questions our ethical standards is the experimentations of cloning. Even since the introduction of cloning, there have been contentions for and against this procedure. A fundamental argument is that cloning is morally wrong and looked down upon by various religious groups because its equivalent of someone “playing God”. Science have made strides in the procedure of cloning by successfully replicated a sheep named Dolly. Instinctively, Man will pursuit the extent of its knowledge and test its boundaries, which will lead into discovery to cloning a human life. What responsibilities must we overcome, if such feat was to become a reality? Although human cloning has not been accomplished yet, I don’t think it is implausible for “A Victor” to exist within us and play God and eventually, create the first cloned human being. How will society accept a human created by bioengineering and not through a natural process? Will society treat a human clone subject like one of us? Or would it have the implications of the Monster, like the one Victor created, who suffered from negligence and recollecting abuse at the hands of his creator? The monster that Victor created came to seek revenge and
It is not possible for us to undo what has been discovered, we must simply accept it and try to use it to its potential, while being responsible. Cloning of a sheep has already taken place, we are not able to undo this, therefore, we must decide what to do with this information. The decision of how far we should take cloning must be made. When have we gone to far, and for what purposes should we use this new technology. Cloning, may turn out to be the best thing that has ever been discovered, or it may be that it is the downfall to the way of life we know. It is important that we realize this information is here to stay and not waste time arguing whether it is right or wrong, since that is a useless argument. Time will be much better severed by arguing the uses and controls that need to be placed on cloning.
Another supplementary argument can be made on the topic of medical advancements made possible through the cloning process, mankind will be provided with organs and cells with which human’s lives will be saved. If a person needs an organ transplant the normal means of transplantation would involve the removal of an organ from another person. This organ could be rejected and many complications could arise, often with deadly repercussions. Human cloning would involve using the person’s own cells that could be cloned to produce a healthy, normal organ for use in the person. Through this process, there would be no
While some believe cloning to be acceptable others feel equally strongly that human cloning is completely wrong. With the state of the science as it is at the moment it would involve hundreds of damaged pregnancies to achieve one single live cloned baby. What is more, all the evidence suggests that clones are unhealthy and often have a number of built-in genetic defects, which lead to premature ageing and death. It would be completely wrong to bring a child into the world knowing that it was extremely likely to be affected by problems like these. The dignity of human life and the genetic uniqueness we all have would be attacked if cloning became commonplace. People might be
II. Thesis Statement: Today I will entice you on the myth of human cloning and explain to you why it should be prohibited.
The first problem that human cloning encounter is it is one of unethical processes because it involves the alteration of the human genetic and human may be harmed, either during experimentation or by expectations after birth. “Cloning, like all science, must be used responsibly. Cloning human is not desirable. But cloning sheep has its uses.”, as quoted by Mary Seller, a member of the Church of England’s Board of Social Responsibility (Amy Logston, 1999). Meaning behind this word are showing us that cloning have both advantages and disadvantages. The concept of cloning is hurting many human sentiments and human believes. “Given the high rates of morbidity and mortality in the cloning of other mammals, we believe that cloning-to-produce-children would be extremely unsafe, and that attempts to produce a cloned child would be highly unethical”, as quoted by the President’s Council on Bioethics. Since human cloning deals with human life, it said to be unethical if people are willing to killed embryo or infant to produce a cloned human and advancing on it. The probability of this process is successful is also small because the technology that being used in this process is still new and risky.
There are many positive aspects of human and non-human cloning. Human cloning technology could be used to reverse the number one killer in the United States, heart attacks. Scientists believe that they
Cloning is an issue now and will be in the in the future,animals are cloned all the time.Does the human race want to have a copy of itself. We need to understand what is happening to the cloned animals and what could possibly happen to us if we were to be cloned.