
Benefits Of Data Mining In Healthcare

Satisfactory Essays

Data mining is the process that companies and businesses use to interpret raw data and turn it into useful information. This is achieved by using software that serves this purpose. Although the term "data mining" is a newer one, the concept has been around for over two decades. This technology allows users, healthcare businesses and the like, to analyze data from many angles in order to categorize it and summarize key identifiable information. This has become especially important in the healthcare field, since electronic health records (EHRs) have become a standard in patient care. Although it brings some privacy concerns to surface due to the massive amount of patient data shared through the data mining process, it is also seen as a very successful and helpful tool in more ways than one. Like in other businesses, data mining may be used in healthcare to asses and improve satisfaction and to help detect fraud and abuse. For example, when data mining is used to address patient satisfaction, this should help the staff recognize patterns, patient preferences and patient expectations in order to be able to further meet their current and future needs. At the same time, this technology also allows for the establishment of what is considered a normal pattern, like when filing insurance claims. The system would then recognize anything that doesn't fall into these normal patterns and may help reduce fraud and abuse. …show more content…

By having access to such a large amount of data, we are now capable of comparing and contrasting illness and symptoms, along with treatments followed by healthcare providers, analyze this data and conclude on whether or not a healthcare facility is in fact exceeding their capability of giving that patient the best chance and best

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