
Benefits Of Legalizing Abortion

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Over the years, abortion has been a large source of discussion with people arguing whether or not it should be legalized. However, it has been shown in the past that making abortion illegal would not stop abortion and neither would it stop the death rate from abortion. There's a chance that the death rate will only rise. In addition, banning abortion would not only take away a woman's right to control her own life and health, but also force women to go through with a pregnancy they are unprepared for. People from each side of the argument can agree that abortion can be prevented, but a woman should not be forced to have a child when she is not prepared for it. Making abortions illegal is not the way to prevent them, and in the long run, it …show more content…

Abortion can still result in negative effects to a woman's body, but the choice to have an abortion should not be taken away from the women who want one. Taking away the choice to have an abortion will not stop women from wanting to have an abortion, and it will ultimately lead to women having unsafe ones (Mathewes-Green). In 1973 the court case Roe v. Wade legalized abortion based on a woman's privacy and it should not be any different now (Neumann). No one wants to have an abortion and most women have admitted that they had one because they felt alone or unprepared. If people really want to stop women from having abortions, then the way to decrease the amount is to decrease the amount of women who have unexpected pregnancies …show more content…

There are more safer and efficient options to get rid of abortion, but the option of having an abortion should not be taken away from women. Preventing women who are unprepared to have a child from having an abortion can also put that woman and child into a bad situation and it is very rare that a single woman will put her child up for adoption. Finding common ground on the abortion debate is difficult due to the different moral beliefs of each side, but in the end, simply banning abortion is not going to stop it and will only worsen the issue at

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