
Benefits Of School Lunches

Decent Essays

Many public school students on average only get about 20 minutes or less to eat there lunch. Because of that about 1/4 of students lunches will not get eaten and it will get thrown away. School lunches should be longer for many reasons, but the main reasons that school lunches should be longer is because students would be able to have healthier meals, students who have a longer lunch do better in school and because students would have more time to socialize with each other. Longer lunches in school would have many benefits for students.

Healthier meals

Picture by Pexels
In 2010 a law was passed so that students would be able to have healthier lunch choices but how can students eat healthier if they don't have the time to. According to the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Students who have over 30 minutes for lunch tend to have healthier meals because it takes more time to eat an apple then it would applesauce, so if students were able to have longer lunches then they would be able to eat a lot more fruits and vegetables and get the nutrition that they otherwise would not usually have during the school day. The law that was passed in 2010 was seen as a good thing because students would be able to eat healthier but according to the article Eating and lifestyles at school, thought that law was passed with good intentions students still aren’t actually eating better, students are consuming less calories than they should be at lunch because the foods are

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