
Essay about Benefits of Hiring a Ghostwriter

Decent Essays

Creating a blog is a great way to share your passions, interests and knowledge with the world. It's also a great way to make some extra money with ad revenue. Some people even make a living from the revenue made off of blogs. Blogging is a vast and interesting business, which is why some bloggers have chosen to hire ghostwriters to also make content for their blogs. A ghostwriter is a third-party writer who writes content that is appropriate for the website while the blog owner pays for the rights to the content in order to legally post it on their blog. Some people are opposed to this practice because they might not want to use the content of other writers on a site that they call their own, but there are many reasons why hiring a …show more content…

Ghostwriters have plenty of experience in creating professionally written content very quickly. This is especially useful if you have deadlines or a set updating schedule.

More Time for Your Work and Other Activities

Blogs need to stay constantly updated in order to remain fresh, new and interesting. If this fresh content is not available on a regular basis, the blog may lose viewers at a steady pace. However, the blog writer usually has other previous engagements to attend to such as work, school, children, personal lives and more. While a blogger may want to constantly write and update their blog, it may not be feasible. Hiring a ghostwriter allows you to have constantly updated blog content with little to no trouble on your part.

The Power of SEO

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a key factor in gathering a large audience. SEO is the practice of carefully inserting specific key words and phrases that are commonly used in search engines when searching for related content into blog posts and online articles. This allows your blog posts to be placed higher on the list of search engine results when searching for these key words and phrases, which will allow your blog to get more exposure and a wider audience. Ghostwriters are usually very knowledgeable in how SEO works and how to place these key words and phrases into blog posts without sounding awkward or forced.


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