
Ben's Micro System Case Study

Decent Essays

Micro System Ben’s micro system consists of his mother and father, Don and Dorothy Hartin, his schoolteacher and social workers involved in his life. Within his micro system there are many stressors that affect Ben’s everyday life. Don and Dorothy provide a middle class lifestyle for Ben to grow up in his early stages of life. When Ben was seven years old his parents divorced and he lived with his mother. Shortly after Ben would bounce around living with his father and grandparents. Ben’s early home life consisted of parents who did not discipline their child, or did not take notice to unusual behavior such as pulling on kitten’s legs. Being so young and not getting in trouble most of his early childhood, Ben has grown up with the idea that he can do what he wants and he will not have any severe consequences. Ben also exerts some primary issues such as disobeying, aggressiveness, violent threats, social immaturity and frustration. At school Ben exerts some serious anger issues when he tells his principal and teacher that he is going to go home and get his daddy’s gun to kill both of them. The first to be contacted after this instance is, Marcia McNeal, who meets with Ben’s parents and Ben many times throughout …show more content…

She manages the social work aspect of Ben’s life and guides Marcia McNeal when she needs help with Ben. Ben’s environment changes frequently living with his parents, to separated parents, to grandparents and home schooling to public schooling. Ben’s community life shows no structure and no stability whether that is discipline in the house, stable school schedule or living conditions. Even though Ben shows his actions through his micro system, his mezzo system influences his characteristics in his micro system. He watches his parents argue and a social worker coming in and out of his house because his parents need help

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