
Benzopinacol Of Glacial Acetic Acid

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Rearrangement and Isomerization Purpose of Rearrangement Experiment The purpose of the experiment is to convert a 1,2-diol (benzopinacol) into ketone (benzopinacolone) by using glacial acetic acid. The name of the rearrangement reaction comes from the rearrangement of pinacol to pinacolone. Reaction Scheme Reaction Mechanism Procedure 0.400g of benzopinacol were mixed with 2ml of glacial acetic acid, and a one tiny crystal of iodine.Then, the mixture was refluxed for around 5 minutes, and then let it cools the benzopinacolone was separated from the solution as a solid. Ethanol was used to isolate benzopinacolone by vacuum filtration using a Hirsch Funnel, and additional ethanol was used to remove any remaining iodine color. Data To calculate the theoretical yield (assuming the density of glacial acetic is 1.05g/cm3) …show more content…

The literature melting point of benzopinacolone 181-182 degree celsius Results and Discussion In this experiment the benzopinacolone rearranged to benzopinacolone under the influence of iodine in glacial acetic acid. Since the diol is symmetrical, protonation and loss of water takes place with equal probability at either hydroxyl group. The resulting of 3º-carbocation is relatively stable through 1,2-methyl shift. Indeed, this new cation is simply the conjugate acid of the ketone pinacolone, which is the product of repeated rearrangements catalyzed by proton transfer. The pinacol rearrangement reaction was first described by Wilhelm Rudolph Fittig in

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