
Bernard Brave New World Marxist Analysis

Decent Essays

In society there are those who conform without question and there are those who don’t stand to their own beliefs. In Brave New World written by Aldous Huxley, he is able to portray characters in the World State society like Lenina who are able to conform to society, but does not question inwardly since she is able to forget about it when taking a narcotic drug called soma. Huxley is also able to portray a character Bernard Marx who is able to conform to society while questioning inwardly about the society he lives in. Bernard Marx is able to question what's going on around him,and he does experience tension after he brings news to the World state about that the Director’s ex lover and child. After the Director is removed from his position of the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre, Bernard begins to gain respect from others around the World State yet he then abandons his own beliefs of questioning the society of the World States and he begins …show more content…

Nevertheless Bernard’s introverted personality attitude and his absence in participating or complaints in everyday activities like soma and solidarity services he is often believed from others as flawed; despite the fact that he is an Alpha Plus. There have even been rumors of alcohol in his blood surrogate which links him chemically to the lower castes. Bernard himself is also aware of others responses to his lack of qualities for not conforming to society and his physical appearances of being shorter than the other Alpha pluses. By not being accepted by his fellow co-workers, Bernard continues to be alone with his lack of confidence. Although Bernard desires to be alone and to think freely for himself he also expresses when he is with Lenina, by doing so is hopes that he will be able to have the freedom of thought and passion without being

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