
Best Buy Case Study: Baldridge Award Criteria (Customer Focus)

Better Essays

Best Buy Case Study:

Baldridge Award Criteria (Customer Focus)

By: Robert F. J. Gleadall, R.E.T.

Quality Control System (BTE 313)

Instructor: Michelle Zhang, P. Eng., M. Eng., M.Sc.

February 15, 2014

Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT)

Best Buy Case Study: Baldridge Award Criteria (Customer Focus)
How does any company survive in today’s global market, whether they are large, small or indifferent? Today’s global market place has truly become an enigma, or should I say, “a puzzle within a puzzle, within a puzzle”; however, there have been a precious few that have helped to guide Japan, Corporate America, Corporate Canada and …show more content…

The reason why attention is being focused on this point, is because in 2012, Best Buy suffered a net loss of $1,314 billion and in 2013 it was a little bit better with loses of $430 million according to the annual report of 2013 (USSEC, Form 10-K, 2013).
On quick observation, one can notice that there is a constant turnover of senior executives as well as a rapid turnover of regular staff (Webster, Cordeiro, Bancroft, 2007). Without further investigation though, it is difficult to know if this is because of low wages, poor performance or a frustrated work environment. After all, these same results are not being perceived in the general corporate community in Asia. So, what is going on?
In 2007, (after customer-centricity was already introduced) the department managers (in the Best Buy store number 343) wrote a report to the general manager explaining how costly their 7% yearly staff turnover was to their sales (Webster, Cordeiro, Bancroft, 2007). Through interviews, they conducted on the staff that were leaving (just before they left), they found that the staff left for the following reasons (Webster, Cordeiro, Bancroft, 2007):
Unmet Job Expectations
Lack of coaching and feedback
Perceived lack of career growth opportunity

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