
Best Job Interview Research

Decent Essays

In order to have the best job interview that any job seeker would want to have, it's best to make sure you are at least 10 minutes early for the scheduled appointment. Don't come too early or too late. Give yourself enough time to spend with the interviewer--don't arrange another appointment 15 minutes after the first appointment. Your time with the interviewer should be uninterrupted. Your appearance and dress should be just right for the interview because you dont want to be too casual or too formal clothing. Dress conservatively without flashy colors. Be well groomed and shave for your interview. Women should make sure they look very neat. Hair should not be in the face, it should be up or tied back. Makeup should be subtle. The way you look is very important to your interviewer. If your appearance is bad for the interview, that is the impression an employer will have of your job performance. Neat appearance is always a must. At the interview, when you shake an employer's hand, shake it firm, solid grip. Don't shake hand passively. Be businesslike but pleasant and friendly. Smile throughout the whole interview. Make sure your smile does'nt look fake. Good eye contact is very …show more content…

Don't say anything bad or criticize previous employers or fellow workers. If you say anything bad about anyone, your future employer can expect trouble from you. Don't say anything negative about yourself. Try not to discuss anything personal, financial or domestic unless you are specifically asked. If the interviewer questions you at a quick pace with confusing questions, they are doing this to put you under stress. Stay in control and answer calmly. Don't be overly impatient when an employer asks you a question. Wait for the finish question and then answer it completely and in a relaxed manner. You don't want an employer to think you are desperate for the job. Don't take anyone with you to the interview--this makes you seem

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