
Better Luck Planning Research Paper

Decent Essays

Better Luck Planning
When I am enjoying a nice event, or have an important task to tackle, procrastination somehow factors in my life. Even though I prepare by organizing for any event or task, somehow, I am asked to do something in between those times for others. The majority of the time I would say “Yes, I will do it,” but end up pushing it aside. Although I am giving advice on how to make it better, I tend to overlook the advice that is given to me. Procrastination in all tends to take up the best and important moments of my life, I just need to have the courage to do the work, so it would not happen again.
Before I graduated from high school, I applied for multiple scholarships. I had made sure that I kept up with the time that they were due. During, …show more content…

The application was not due until April 15, 2017, so I had time. I ended up doing the easy portion of filling out the basic information, but once I got to the part that stated to “list out the activities that were done in the past”, I stop. The days became weeks and the weeks almost became a month. My mother called again asking about the application process and of course this time I replied with a
“Yes, but I am not finished with it.”
So, I got back to finishing the application. Once I listed the activities, the next section required a short essay. I had started but did not complete the section. A month went by and then it was mid-March; I came home for spring break. I planned to finish it that week, so my father would read the short essay. As for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday went by, I finished the short essay and my father read it. After he read it, there was the last section to fill out and send. I did not finish that section until a week later. I turned in everything on March 26,

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