Based on B.F. Skinner the knowledge is created independently and outside of individuals. The Learner is a like a blank page that needs to be given the knowledge with experience and with the help of responses or stimuli or both.
In my case when I was faced with drastic changes in life, made me reacted to overcome the problem or achieve the knowledge required.
The event can be from a simple understanding of my family member rank or placement, as for me was the 4th Brother with a large age gap.
Academically when started school was given the same tuition other students before me were faced with, and this system was there for ages.
Learning the ABC was more of a repetitive song than actually knowing that those are the letters that our language
In the united states, with college tuitions skyrocketing, many students would have loved to be able to fully pay for there school
The first learning theory was approached by the theorist Pavlov. The theory he approached was classical conditioning. This theory is pairing a reflex response with a stimuli. A reflex is an automatic reaction and a stimuli is anything in the environment. Pavlov then carried out an experiment with a dog to prove his theory; Pavlov knew that when animals see food they’re automatic reflex is to salivate, he also wanted to
It is important to know how we learn. Once humans understand the process for which
After reading through chapter six, I began reading chapter seven of our psychology text titled, Learning. Learning is something we do everyday even we don’t realize it. While reading chapter seven, I learned that there are three different types of learning, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and cognitive learning. Classical conditioning stands for two types of stimuli linking providing us the tools to have a reaction; this is the type of learning that involves automatic behaviors. Operant conditioning is the type of learning that causes a change in behavior, in reaction to consequences; this is the behavior that involves choosing of choices. Lastly, cognitive learning is the obtaining of new skills, behaviors, and information through
Describe a circumstance, obstacle or conflict in your life, and the skills and resources you used to resolve it. Did it change you? If so, how?
Learning is a fascinating concept. Everyone does it and everyone always has, but not everyone explores its eclectic process. That being said, through the course of history, it has been studied vehemently. Ivan Pavlov, a behaviorist, had some groundbreaking research on subclass of learning called classical conditioning. Coming across it incidentally, he discovered that dogs would salivate not only from eating food, but anything associated with them getting fed. Anything unnatural in their feeding process, he termed as the conditioned stimulus, which would result in the conditioned response of them salivating (Daniels). Though classical conditioning seems rather simple and commonsensible, the information psychologists have gathered from it has been revolutionary. It has shown psychologists the very basics of how we learn and adapt as organisms and opened the door for other studies (Myers 268). According to psychologists, learning is the process of acquiring new and relatively enduring information or behaviors (Myers 268).
People learn in various ways and at different rates, some learn much from reading and could be considered a visual learner whilst others find it difficult to get anything from reading and prefer to listen, possibly to others explaining, an auditory learner or perhaps they learn from doing practically and could be regarded as kinetic learners, but whichever way we prefer to learn to be effective the learning cycle must be fully completed. We go through an experience, think about what happened, reach some conclusions and put them into practice.
Describe a time where you faced a stressful situation or challenge and discuss what skills you utilized to grow.
Almost everyone faces setbacks, failures or something that has consequences that end up helping them. For me, this would be getting the starting spot for football from my competition. I had to work extremely hard to get it. It took so much time, effort, and hard work, but I eventually got it. Getting this starting spot in football has made me the person I am now. This is how it has affected me in life and how it has made the person I am today.
Getting an education is a very crucial part in today’s society, tuition costs began in Medieval Europe according an article “A timeline of college”, where tuition charges first began to take place and were supported by the church and the government. It wasn 't until 1796 when Thomas Jefferson in United State grounds proposed an educational system that was supported through taxes. Jefferson believed that an educated population was necessary for a government to truly work, as well as for the people to be good citizens of it. During the 1800 some colleges did not charge tuition. According to an article “A timeline of College Tuition” the cost to attend Harvard at the time was only $150 per year and in those times lower class families would probably never be able to afford it without the help of financial aid. It wasn’t until the 1900
Theories of learning are 1) Classical conditioning (involuntary behavior) where learning is by association (Pavlov, 1927). 2) Operant conditioning (voluntary behavior) where learning is by positive or negative reinforcement [stimuli-response] (Skinner, 1938). 3) Social learning theory where learning is by imitation of others (Bandura, 1973) 4) Cognitive learning theories where learning is based on the thought processes of the individual (Bruner, 1978); Piaget, 1936). 5) Insight learning (Gestalt theory) where learning is through thinking and problem solving (Kohler, 1947)
Researchers define learning as a permanent change in performance of individuals undergoing the process of adaptation. Learning is considered as an act of individual to enhance his knowledge. Every person in this world will pay proper attention to what he learns, how he learns, and when he learns. There are specific learning styles for each one of us and it differs from person to person. And, it is due to this reason that researchers have defined nature of learning as paradoxical.
This essay will compare and contrast three key theories of learning; Behaviourism, Cognitive Learning Theory and Constructivism.
To identify my personal theory, it is important to understand what learning is. Learning takes many different methods. Ormond (2016) says learning [is] a long-term change in mental pictures and/or associations based on your experience. Ormond (2016) also says that there are three parts: a long-term change, it lasts for a long time; learning involves mental representations or associations, its basis is in the brain; and third, learning is a change as a result of experience.
The very first thing one must know about the constructivist theory of learning is the premise that learners arrive at learning situations with prior knowledge and proceed to take and active part in building new knowledge upon that prior knowledge as they experience new things and reflect on those collected experiences (Learning Theories Knowledgebase, 2012). This theory directly contradicts the behaviorist learning theory in which learners are believed to arrive at learning situations with “clean slates” of understanding. From a behaviorist’s perspective, people learn because as they respond to negative and positive stimuli in their environment (Learning Theories Knowledgebase, 2012). While that may change observable behavior