
Psychology P1 and M1

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Behaviourist approach The behaviourist theory focuses on the study of observed behaviours and learning theories the three theories are; classical conditioning, operant conditioning and the social learning theory. Within the behaviourist approach there are three different theorists these are; Skinner, Bandura and Pavlov. The first learning theory was approached by the theorist Pavlov. The theory he approached was classical conditioning. This theory is pairing a reflex response with a stimuli. A reflex is an automatic reaction and a stimuli is anything in the environment. Pavlov then carried out an experiment with a dog to prove his theory; Pavlov knew that when animals see food they’re automatic reflex is to salivate, he also wanted to …show more content…

Psychodynamic approach. Within this approach there are only two theorists these are Freud and Erikson (1905). They both talk about the conscious and un-conscious mind. The psychodynamic approach by Freud and Erickson focuses on the impact the un-conscious mind has on behaviour, bad childhood experiences and dealing with emotion. When someone does not want to accept that something bad has happened in their life they may dismiss this to their un-conscious mind or distorting the truth by telling them that it is not true, this is linked to the clinical ice berg. Bad experiences Bad experiences Un-conscious Un-conscious Conscious Conscious This clearly shows that mainly all our bad experiences are pushed into the unconscious mind causing it to come back many years later this could be through; post-traumatic stress disorder, this means that all your terrors and fears come back through either night terrors or flashbacks. Psychoanalysis deals with early negative emotions this could be by discovering triggers and talking openly about these bad experiences. The different health care services that links to this are post-traumatic stress disorder meaning that the trauma returns in night terrors or ‘flashbacks’. Another example is childhood guilt/anxiety, both

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