
Bibl 104 Quiz 1

Decent Essays

Answers to Questions 1and 3 1.) There are many non-believers who question and try to disprove the validity of the word of God its authors who he spoke to. Many will argue that the number of authors prove that the bible is a collection of stories and go out of their way to deny divine inspiration of its authors. Divine authorship, “recognizes that every word of the Bible originated and came about through the work of God.” (Cartwright and Hulshof, 2016). God used men to put his words to the text of the Bible. Many people fail to realize that words of the scripture are directly his own. The Bible is free from errors, because it was totally inspired from beginning to end by is Word. God cannot lie so his word is truth and free of mistakes or errors. Psalms remains one of the most noted examples of this. Those who do not know the love of God or have an opened heart to let him in their life will find ways to always doubt. But as believers we know that that kind of thinking is false and never accepting the Lord will not turn out very well for us at the end of our lives here on earth.

3.) We have all known people though out our lives or maybe family or friends who did not agree with our biblical belief and have raised questions to challenge our faith. Why does the Bible have so many translations is always one that comes up …show more content…

We must let them know that the particular strategy used to translate the Bible does not take away from its message and automatically falsify the Word in any way. I would convince my friend that the same truth resides in the Gods word no matter what the translation is. The path to life after death and spending eternity with God is still through having him in our lives with total acceptance as our Lord and savior. The same message of his love to us as his creation is still their no matter which version you

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