
Bible Answers

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Answers (Jesus)

The Bible is the holy book of my faith. It compares with the other holy books, in the fact that our followers read, pray, and sometimes memorize our holy books. The average Bible has about 774,746 words. The full Bible is also translated in about 531 languages.With at least one book of The Bible translated into around 2,932 languages. Making it the world’s most translated book.

The beliefs of Christianity are similar to other monotheistic faiths in the following circumstances; they all believe in one god, they all believe in the afterlife.They also all believe in fasting, commandments, a weekly holy day, the soul, and that Moses is a prophet.

Christianity beliefs differ from the other monotheistic faiths on the …show more content…

You acquire this status by believing that Jesus died for your sins.When they die they live in heaven with streets made of gold. When you die your soul separates from your physical body, and continues to ascend to heaven. They also believe that Jesus will come, and defeat evil, and create a new Earth, for them to live on.

Answers (Moses)

Torah is the holy book of my faith. A Torah scroll traditionally is written entirely in Hebrew and containing around 304, 805 letters in Hebrew. All of which must be duplicated by a trained sofer (scribe). Taking as long as up to a year.

Judaism is quite similar to the other monotheistic religions. All the monotheistic religions, of course, believe in one god. They are also all similar because they all believe in the afterlife, fasting, commandments, a weekly holy day, the soul, also that Moses and Abraham were prophets. All three monotheistic religions also share the holy site of Temple mount.

Judaism is quite similar to the other monotheistic religions, other than the fact that their messiah hasn’t come. Christianity, and Islam both believe that Jesus Christ was the messiah, but Judaism’s messiah hasn’t come

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