
Biblical Bible : Biblical Worldview Essay

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Biblical WorldView
Biblical 101
James Owulade Jr.

Paul’s letter to the Romans presents a systematic approach to the Gospel. This makes the Gospel of Roman an important book when it comes to the Christian Worldview. The Book of Romans covers a wide array of topics that are important to believers to understand and to live by. These topics includes: the attribute and existence of God, origin of creation, problem of evil in conjunction to sin, solution of sin to reach salvation, ethics and morality and lastly hope for humanity/creation. This reflection paper will show what Paul teaches us in regards to these topics and how it is applied to Christian’s worldview. God is the creator of mankind and all things within the world. There are those that do not believe in God nor do they believe that there is an entity that exist and guide us all. Paul’s letter to the Romans was not only written to the Gentile church in Rome, but an introduction to the word of God for anyone, believers or non-believers in order for them to get a foundation into the world view of who Christ. Paul in the book of Romans 1:3-5 states, “3. Concerning his son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of seed of David according to the flesh; 4. And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead: 5. By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for his name”’ in which shows clearly

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